No iron at hand? Or don't feel like ironing, but want to get rid of those wrinkles from your clothes quickly? Good news: you can manage that even without an iron! In this blog, we explain several ways to make your favorite piece of clothing wrinkle-free.
1. Hair dryer
Your hair dryer can work wonders when it comes to wrinkles. Use a plant spray to get water, evenly, on the wrinkles. Then blow dry them out. The water creates steam and that steam, in turn, makes the wrinkle disappear like snow in the sun.
2. Take a shower
Steam makes that wrinkle disappear, and that's exactly what releases a lot of steam when you take a shower. Hang the clothes with weird creases on a hanger in the bathroom and then take a shower. You will see that the wrinkles have disappeared thanks to all the steam in your bathroom. Did your clothes get a little damp now? Then hang them in an open area for a while or before you put on this wrinkle-free outfit.
3. Kettle
No surprise that a kettle makes a little stoom too. Turn on the kettle or boil water in a pot. Then hold the garment with the wrinkle tightly over the steam escaping. Gone crease. Thank you, water!
4. A pan
Other kitchen ware like the pan also comes in handy for wrinkle-freeing clothes. Heat the pan and then use it as an iron. Be careful with the temperature when using this method. Try it first when the pan is not very hot yet.
5. Wet towel
Water is your best friend. Make a towel damp, not dripping wet, and place it over the garment or just the crease you want to get rid of. The moisture will make the wrinkles disappear. After ten minutes, see if the wrinkle is gone and then hang the garment in an open area so it can dry for a while.
6. Anti-crease spray
Did you know that anti-crease spray exists? You can just buy it at your nearby drugstore. It is also an option to make the anti-crease spray yourself. All you need is white wine vinegar and water. Put 1/3rd part white wine vinegar with 2/3rd part water in a plant sprayer and spray the mixture on the wrinkles. Then let the garment dry on a clothes hanger for a while and gone are the wrinkles!
7. Clothes steamer
A clothes steamer is the iron of the future. Who actually still uses that, an iron? A steamer is not only more fun to use, but also easier and faster. In addition, you can also throw the ironing board straight into the trash, because you no longer need it if you have a clothes steamer. So you also immediately have more space at home!